Blog, articles and information on how to self-publish a book or CD title.

October 13, 2021
Create a free book trailer

Create a Free Book Trailer

A book trailer is a short promotional video to help you showcase your book and reach an audience wider than your target audience. Since most people prefer to watch videos over reading text,  creating a video book trailer is one […]
September 11, 2021
book marketing mindset

What is Your Book Marketing Mindset?

In the last several years, technology has made promoting a book easier in many ways. Social media, subscription-based promotional opportunities, book clubs, review and award opportunities along with pay per click advertising all allow authors to reach new readers. The […]
May 25, 2021
Create a book launch

4 Steps to Create a Successful Book Launch

Publishing a book is an exciting time but can be stressful if there is no clear plan to create a successful book launch. The book launch is so important that starting the process early allows authors enough time to research […]
April 18, 2021
Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

7 Ways to Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

Writing and publishing a book is a milestone in any author’s life. The process brings together creativity, emotions, and talent, all organized on paper and set between two covers. The final product yields something physical. Something tangible. Something you can […]