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How to Copyright Your Book

Copyright your book

When you copyright your book, you protect it from being used without permission or plagiarized. The dictionary defines copyright as the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. But did you know that as soon as you write your book, (assuming it’s all original content), you own the copyright? Knowing this fact, you are not required to obtain a copyright, but it should be part of your business plan and book marketing checklist to apply for one once you have a final draft of the book and before you publish it. By doing this, you establish a legal and public record of your ownership.

Copyright your book

Copyrighting your book is as easy as following these 3 steps.

Here are the steps to copyright your book

  1. Complete an application
  2. Pay the fee (Online with a credit/debit card, or bank account)
  3. Submit your book

In most cases you can and should submit an electronic version of your book, however, there are times when a physical submission is necessary. The copyright website provides examples for when a physical submission is necessary.

Complete an application (Register a Claim)

To register your book for the copyright, go to the Electronic Copyright Office website.

  1. Register for a new account or log in to your existing one.
  2. On the left side of the page under ‘Register a Work’ click ‘Standard Application’.
  3. Click Start Registration at the top of that section.
  4. Follow the registration process for a new claim for Literary Work. The navigation bar on the left side of the page will guide you through the process and allow you to advance or go back to each section directly.
  5. When you are done, click Add to Cart to submit your payment, receive an email receipt and advance to the next step of uploading your book.

If you have any questions on this part of the process, view this video tutorial from the Copyright website.

Pay the Fees

The standard filing fee for electronic registration is $45 for 1 basic claim if you are the only author. For multiple authors or other filings, the fees start at $65. If you decide to mail in your filing, the fee is $125 for forms PA, SR, TX, VA, SE.

Submit Your Work

Digital version

  1. Once your payment is complete, you will see the Payment Successful screen and receive an email receipt.
  2. The next screen will display the application again and notify you if a physical submission is necessary.
  3. Click the green Select files to upload button in the middle of the page. This will open the feature to browse and choose the file to be uploaded. (Check out the file types that are accepted.)
  4. Select the file to be uploaded and click ‘open.’ Make sure you are submitting your work as 1 file. This will most likely be a .pdf file of your final draft.
  5. After selecting the file, click the blue Start Upload button.
  6. When your file has been successfully uploaded, click the green Complete Your Submission button.
  7. You will receive an email confirming your submission.

If you have any questions on this part of the process, view this video tutorial from the Copyright website.

Physical version

  • To submit a physical copy of your book, click Create Shipping Slip on the bottom of the screen
  • An attachment feature will be added to the screen allowing you to open and print the receipt to include in your submission. The address to mail the submission to is listed on the receipt.

How long does it take to get the copyright?

Once you file for copyright protection it could take up to a year to receive the physical copyright in the mail. There is no reason to wait for the physical copyright to arrive before you publish your book. You can rest assured that your work is protected.

If you have any questions about the process, here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that can be found on the U.S.Copyright Office website.


Rick Lite of Stress Free Book Marketing, stands at the forefront of the ever-changing book industry. He is a seasoned book marketing professional with over 18 years of experience in the book industry. Rick’s expertise comes from tirelessly working on new and innovative ways to market his own books and CDs with his company and parent company, Stress Free Kids. Embracing the core values of integrity, innovation, and growth, Rick works closely with authors to create custom, robust book marketing programs. His easy-going manner provides “stress-free” support and comfort to authors going through the book marketing process for the first time. Rick is quick to share his knowledge and “insider tips” for a successful marketing campaign that will lead to increased exposure, awareness, and most importantly, sales.

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