January 27, 2022
Get Your Book Discovered

Get Your Book Discovered

Part of your self-publishing journey is purchasing ISBNs to identify each version of your book. Doing so permanently links your book to you as the publisher. But did you know that you should register the ISBN with the same agency? […]
December 25, 2021
Copyright your book

How to Copyright Your Book

When you copyright your book, you protect it from being used without permission or plagiarized. The dictionary defines copyright as the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, […]
November 23, 2021
professional book cover

Why is a Professional Book Cover Necessary?

When your book competes against thousands of other books, a professional book cover will showcase you as an author and give your book an advantage. Your writing could be strong enough to achieve this, but if readers are not drawn […]
October 13, 2021
Create a free book trailer

Create a Free Book Trailer

A book trailer is a short promotional video to help you showcase your book and reach an audience wider than your target audience. Since most people prefer to watch videos over reading text,  creating a video book trailer is one […]