Not a week goes by without an author asking what can they do to sell more books. My response by way of a question is, “What have you done to put yourself in a position to sell more books?” I’m […]
With so many people under stay-at-home-orders and children learning from home, now is a perfect time for authors to focus on their work, update their marketing plan and tastefully promote their books. If done correctly and with care and compassion, […]
During these unprecedented times, people are looking for ways to feel normal. Life has been interrupted on a scale we have never experienced before. Emotions are high, people are nervous, routines have been disrupted, and the world has never experienced […]
Amazon Marketplace, which was renamed Seller Central, is the portal where you sell your books directly to the consumer. It was initially set up as a portal for selling used books but quickly became an opportunity to sell used and […]