March 13, 2020
Selling on Seller Central

Tips for Selling on Seller Central

Amazon Marketplace, which was renamed Seller Central, is the portal where you sell your books directly to the consumer. It was initially set up as a portal for selling used books but quickly became an opportunity to sell used and […]
January 27, 2020

How to Become a Successful Author

The definition of success varies from author to author. While sales and notoriety may motivate one author, another finds success by just completing a manuscript. The range is vast and personal. As time goes on and your writing evolves, your […]
January 7, 2019
Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors

Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors

In today’s book publishing climate authors are grasping at ways to promote their books. To the average author, this task can become overwhelming and in some cases daunting. The options are not that obvious and digital marketing strategies for authors […]
October 1, 2017
giving away free books

Giving Away Free Books

When most authors think about giving away free books, they do so in hopes of increasing their following and reviews. This topic has become an interesting debate within the book community, especially for indie authors. While some authors have experienced […]