April 18, 2021
Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

7 Ways to Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

Writing and publishing a book is a milestone in any author’s life. The process brings together creativity, emotions, and talent, all organized on paper and set between two covers. The final product yields something physical. Something tangible. Something you can […]
August 14, 2017
Finding Self-Publishing Help

8 Tips for Finding Self-Publishing Help

Self-publishing has created entrepreneurs ready and available to help authors bring a book to market. Finding self-publishing help has never been easier, however with any advancement comes risks for the author. Once an author decides to self-publish, they can either […]
June 24, 2017
Reach your target audience

6 Tips to Find and Reach Your Target Audience

When some authors begin the writing process, they do so with their target audience in mind and a marketing plan in place. This allows them to focus on creating and promoting the right content. If you want to reach your […]