If you are an author, you should be using Goodreads. I know, the thought of adding another marketing to-do item to your already taxed schedule is frustrating. After all, you didn’t become a writer so that you could spend all […]
In today’s book publishing climate authors are grasping at ways to promote their books. To the average author, this task can become overwhelming and in some cases daunting. The options are not that obvious and digital marketing strategies for authors […]
Part of an author’s responsibility is to promote their book any way they can. Building local awareness for your book is a strategy that you can easily overlook if you are too focused on social media, blogging and other online […]
During the last 15 years, the book industry has gone through a lot of change. First-time authors are self-publishing in record numbers. Print on demand has been a shot in the arm for indie authors. The big chain bookstores have […]