April 18, 2021
Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

7 Ways to Set Expectations for Marketing Your Book

Writing and publishing a book is a milestone in any author’s life. The process brings together creativity, emotions, and talent, all organized on paper and set between two covers. The final product yields something physical. Something tangible. Something you can […]
August 6, 2019
proven book marketing strategies

7 Proven Book Marketing Strategies

With so many authors publishing books, there has been a surge in marketing advice either through articles on the internet or new services emerging. Proven book marketing strategies get drowned out when so many people are screaming. The result is […]
January 7, 2019
Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors

Digital Marketing Strategies for Authors

In today’s book publishing climate authors are grasping at ways to promote their books. To the average author, this task can become overwhelming and in some cases daunting. The options are not that obvious and digital marketing strategies for authors […]
October 18, 2018
building local awareness

6 Strategies for Building Local Awareness for Your Book

Part of an author’s responsibility is to promote their book any way they can. Building local awareness for your book is a strategy that you can easily overlook if you are too focused on social media, blogging and other online […]