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9 Tips to Tastefully Promote Your Book During Tough Times

Promote Your Book During a Pandemic

During these unprecedented times, people are looking for ways to feel normal. Life has been interrupted on a scale we have never experienced before. Emotions are high, people are nervous, routines have been disrupted, and the world has never experienced this level of uncertainty in modern history. Most authors aren’t thinking about the best ways to tastefully promote your book during a pandemic. But why not?

The more we introduce comforting activities to our daily routines, the stronger our mental health will be, and the more we will feel normal. Families who are taking advantage of this time together focusing on what they can control, seem to have a healthier approach. Music has always been a great way to transport us to a different time and place. Television, board games, planting a garden, and doing projects around the house are other ways to detach from the bleak daily updates. But reading is one of the best ways to escape from reality. Unlike video games, television, and screens in general, there are few parents that would tell their kids to stop reading so much.

Several authors have asked me if they should stop promoting their books during the Coronavirus pandemic. My response was no but be tasteful when doing so. With the population of the world being instructed to stay home, people have more time on their hands. So, the question is, how should authors promote their book when the focus of the world is on combatting a deadly virus.

Promote Your Book During a Pandemic

Here are 9 Tips to tastefully promote your book during a pandemic

Start by being sensitive- People are scared, families are worried about their safety, and some are dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Use social media to post optimistic content- There is enough negativity out there. If your book is helpful during stressful times, make sure you are focusing on how your book can help. Use the appropriate hashtags to get your posts in front of the right audience.

Promote your eBook- With people worried about the virus remaining on surfaces eliminate this concern all together by promoting your eBook instead.

Be generous- Show your compassion and thoughtfulness by donating a portion of your sales to a charity. Organizations like the Red Cross, Feed the Children, and other disaster relief charities are always in need of donations. It’s okay to promote your generosity. Others might get inspired by your actions.

Work on your craft- With more time on your hands, now is a perfect time to work on your writing, start a new project, or finish up one that you started. Consider participating in online writing workshops or other educational platforms. Tons of websites can help you become a better writer and even help you to promote your book.

Take some time to read- Many authors I have interviewed stated that they had become a better writer by being a better reader. 

Use videos to promote your message of optimism- Consider posting ‘’How to’’ videos or other helpful or uplifting content. If your family is doing creative things during this time together, share that with other families. Make sure your is set up correctly and has links to your website and book resellers at the bottom of the description. Make sure your title has a keyword or keyword phrase relevant to the content, and your tags also are related.

Try something new- Experiment with advertising by boosting social posts, creating an ad on social platforms, and or by using Amazon ads to drive visitors to your book page. If you are not sure how to advertise or what is appropriate, we would be glad to discuss what makes sense for your situation.

Plan for the future- Since conferences and book fairs are on hold for the foreseeable future, recalibrate this strategy to maximize your exposure for next year. Decide which conferences, tradeshows, or book fairs would be appropriate for you to attend.

The magnitude of what is going on will not be understood for some time, but history tells us that we will survive and thrive again. Take this time to think about what is important in life. Spend this time with those you love because life is fragile. Be safe!


Rick Lite of Stress Free Book Marketing, stands at the forefront of the ever-changing book industry. He is a seasoned book marketing professional with over 16 years of experience in the industry. Rick’s expertise comes from tirelessly working on new and innovative ways to market his own books and digital media with his company and parent company, Stress Free Kids. Embracing the core values of integrity, innovation, and growth, Rick works closely with authors to create custom, robust book marketing programs. His easy-going manner provides “stress-free” support and comfort to authors going through the book marketing process for the first time. Rick is quick to share his knowledge and “insider tips” for a successful marketing campaign that will lead to increased exposure, awareness and most importantly, sales.

1 Comment

  1. […] home, now is a perfect time for authors to focus on their work,  update their marketing plan and tastefully promote their books.  If done correctly and with care and compassion, authors can advance their cause while bringing […]

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