Book Editing Services
Indie authors should take advantage of book editing services when self-publishing. These services cost extra money but are well worth the cost. Don't be that author who spends a year writing a book only to publish it with errors or less than perfect sentence structure.
When a book is well written, having reviews praise the writing style, flow and cohesiveness of the book will have a direct impact on sales. Find the type of editing service you need and make sure you are comfortable with how the editor works and what their service will cost.
Manuscript Proofread
What is a manuscript proofread?
The goal of a manuscript proofread is to find typos and correct basic errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. It does not include structural suggestions for the writing. No matter how many times you read your manuscript, a trained eye will save time, money and potential embarrassment.
When should I have a manuscript proofreading done?
A proofread should occur at the end of the publishing phase, and before the book is submitted for printing.
Copy Edit
What is a Copy edit?
The goal of a copy edit is to address flaws on a very technical level and to make sure the writing is following industry standards. It’s done to ensure the content is accurate, easy to follow, fit its purpose, and is free of error, omission, inconsistency, and repetition. Copy editing has three levels that can be performed: light, medium, and heavy.
When should I have a copy editing done?
A copy edit happens when an author’s manuscript is still in draft mode but has gone through most of the revisions. It is usually done at or around the same time as a line edit.
Line Edit
What is a Line edit?
A line edit is done to check the creative content, writing style, and language use at the sentence and paragraph level. A line edit focuses on the way authors use language to communicate their story to the reader, and that they are expressing their ideas clearly and succinctly. It looks for run-on sentences, words or sentences that are extraneous or overused, awkward sentence structure, unnecessary details, bad transitions from scene to scene and tonal shifts. It also looks to correct unnatural phrasing and typos, spelling mistakes and inconsistencies.
When should I have a line edit done?
A line edit happens when an author’s manuscript is still in draft mode but has gone through most of the revisions. It is usually done at or around the same time as a copy edit.
Developmental Edit
What is a Developmental edit?
Developmental editing involves significant structuring or restructuring of a manuscript and helps an author develop ideas into a coherent and readable work. When performed early, developmental editing can save major rewriting and should be done with larger manuscripts.
Nonfiction developmental editing covers large-scale issues such as purpose, concept, audience expectations, scope, the need for more or less information, organization, structure, tone, focus, and logic.
Fiction developmental editing deals with character development, plot, pace, theme, audience, mood, and more. The developmental editor provides insightful queries, observations, recommendations and suggestions that give an author direction.
When should a developmental edit be done?
A developmental edit should happen before or during the production of a manuscript.
Note to author:
Most editors work on a copy of the author’s manuscript, usually as a word document using the track changes function. They will add comments to explain changes or make revision suggestions. The author can then go through each of the changes and accept, reject and or make revisions where necessary.
All of our editors are professionals and have been handpicked and screened.
When looking for book editing services, try to match yourself with a professional editor who is best suited for the style and genre you are writing in. You should talk with an editor before you make a final decision and again after the process starts. We would be glad to connect you with an editor or take care of this process for you.